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3rd Annual Ohio Small Business Development Conference

The Northern Ohio Business Brokers Association (NOBBA) and the Ohio Business Brokers Association (OBBA) are proud to host the 3rd Annual Ohio Small Business Development Conference, the premier M&A, business brokerage, and small business event of the year. This year's conference will take place on Thursday, April 17th, at the Carlisle Inn in Walnut Creek, Ohio, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Tickets cost $60 and include Pastries and Coffee for breakfast as well as a delicious lunch buffet provided by the Der Dutchman restaurant.

Our first keynote presentation is Attorney Tom Spadea of Spadea Lignana Franchise Attorneys in Philadelphia. Tom will provide expert insights into the complexities of buying and selling franchise businesses, including best practices for transitioning founding franchisors as they prepare to sell their companies. His discussion will explore the unique legal and operational considerations of franchise transactions, offering invaluable knowledge for business brokers and advisors navigating franchise sales, franchise owners considering an exit strategy, and franchisors planning for succession.  Check out the following to learn more:

Tom Spadea:
Spadea Lignana – Franchise Attorney:

Our second keynote presenter is Scot Lowry, Co-founder of PromiseONE companies, acquisition firm investing with and mentoring first time buyers.  Scot is the Richard Osborne Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Weatherhead School at Case Western Reserve University.   Scot is also a board member and mentor at the Promise Partners Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA) Accelerator, a group that has helped 73 first time acquisition entrepreneurs become owners in over 107 companies.  ETA is a pathway for individuals to become business owners by acquiring and growing an existing company rather than starting one from scratch. ETA typically involves aspiring entrepreneurs, often backed by investors, seeking to identify, purchase, and operate small to mid-sized businesses with strong growth potential. Organizations like Promise Partners in Cleveland support ETA by providing strategy, accountability and  mentorship to individuals pursuing business acquisition. The Weatherhead School and Promise Partners  teach buyers how to find business opportunities, facilitate due diligence, and offer strategic guidance to ensure a successful transition and long-term growth.  Check out the following to learn more: 

Promise Partner ETA Accelerator -
Weatherhead ETA Program -
3 Day ETA BootCamp at Weatherhead -
October 29, 2025 Osborne ETA Event -

This conference presents an opportunity for business brokers, franchise professionals, and small business owners to gain expert knowledge, expand their professional networks, and enhance their understanding of franchise M&A.  Attendees are encouraged to invite colleagues, business contacts, and clients who are engaged in the franchise industry.

The event is generously sponsored by Ivanhoe Capital Advisors, Bay First Bank, SBA Protection Services, First Commonwealth Bank, and Buckingham Doolittle & Burroughs. Representatives from these companies will also provide useful information about their respective expertise and services.

Register Today! 


Conference Details

When: Thursday, April 17th
Time: 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
Location: Carlisle Inn Walnut Creek
4949 Walnut St, Walnut Creek 44687
(next to the Der Dutchman)


Thank you to our Sponsors!

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